kids and young adults - Cool The Climate, for Peep's sake – and all other Earthlings too!

Activities and carbon negative products to help

Stream for free! And if you  want to show the movie to kids in an elementary school near you, email us to download for free too!

Play some old school games to save sq. ft. of jungle – for animals and the climate!

Check out our cartoons on youtube, TikTok, along with some comic strips.

Here are steps we can all take to cool the climate – from imagining a healthy planet to activism.

Buy used but when you buy new, please think of us. Our products are organic, USA-made for low emissions, and plant trees to offset their impact.

Climate Bake Sale

Do you want to do a fundraiser for the climate? Have a Cool The Climate lemonade sale or bake sale to raise money for your carbon footprints!

to our newsletter for climate news and cartoons.

Here are some of our favorite options for carbon offsetting and going carbon negative through carbon capture technology.