Kids Kit - Cool The Climate, for Peep's sake – and all other Earthlings too!

Click To Download The Essential Kids Climate Kit

With every dollar donated, you save 100 sq ft of Amazon jungle.
Amazon jungle has often been called the ‘lungs of the Earth,” so through a donation you are taking climate action while inspiring your students or kids to do the same! The downloadable program includes the Cool The Climate movie, an eBook with lesson plans and activities, a memory game for concept retention, and the film’s soundtrack.


If you and your kids or class would like to get the kids kit + our weekly comic strips + planting trees monthly, please join The Cool The Climate Club on our Patreon page. Below is the tree-planting initiative you can support to help cool the climate!


Inspire children


Kids love learning and taking climate action:

Kids watch the movie (above), play the downloadable Memory Game (middle) and then take part in climate solutions like Henry (above bottom) who raised $235 through bake sales to go carbon negative! Kids also take collective action through our EDU school lunch composting program (video below).


Plant trees


Your dollars also replant              Madagascar’s forests: 

90% of Madagascar’s original forests have been destroyed by clearcutting. Your donation supports Eden Projects, which reforests the island through a partnership with National Parks that creates jobs for people, trees that capture carbon, and habitats where native species can flourish.